The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from. This week’s selections have been curated by Nika Diamond-Krendel, founder of Paradise Row, an emerging British leather brand handcrafting quality leather goods in East London.
Here’s what’s keeping her inspired.
Read: Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Hector Garcia and Francesco Miralles. I first started reading this in 2019 and find myself coming back to it again especially this year. It really shows happiness is truly in the small subtle actions you take in your daily life. The happiest and healthiest people in the world are the ones who have found their reason for being beyond material success.
Watch: Small Axe Series by Steve Mcqueen on BBC iplayer. I love everything directed by Steve Mcqueen. His films are a work of art, beautifully shot, evoke strong emotion and show history in a truly intimate way.
Listen: Miles Davis, Kind of Blue album. I always find Jazz comforting, inspiring and uplifting. At the moment, I have Miles Davis playing in the background whilst working from home to give me focus and keep me present.
Shop: Labour and Wait, Shoreditch. A truly one of a kind shop. It really evokes a sense of nostalgia when you step into their store. I can't leave without buying ten things for my husband. Perfect shop for stocking fillers.
Inspiration: Always has been and will be London. My leather goods brand Paradise Row is the embodiment of my affection for London. Its history, contemporary culture, its ever evolving nature. There are so many facets to this city, that if I ever feel stuck in a rut, I just have to step out and take in my surroundings. There are a million things to see and do to keep you inspired for a lifetime; as they say - 'tired of London, tired of life'!